
The Living Earth Manual of Feng-Shui

by Stephen Skinner
“The ancient art of Feng-Shui, the basis of man’s relationship with the land, is now attracting a growing following in the West. The Chinese stress the importance of living in harmony with nature. According to the principles of Feng-Shui, living in harmony with the earth’s field of energy will promote prosperity, peace and happiness.”
” Feng-Shui can be applied on a small or large scale, in the busiest cities of the smallest room. In this fascinating book Stephen Skinner outlines the history and philosophy of Feng-Shui, showing how it can be used in the sitting and arrangement of all dwelling places to enhance the quality of life of the inhabitants.”
Softcover –  145 p.,  5″ X 8″,  wt. 8 oz. . . . $11.00